May Sales Record in Mexico

Signs of a possible slowdown in the Mexican economy had little impact on light-vehicle buyers who took home a record number of cars and light trucks in May.

Al Binder, Senior Editor

June 7, 2016

1 Min Read
May Sales Record in Mexico

Mexican consumers bought 121,452 new light vehicles in May, besting prior-year’s 101,803 deliveries to continue a string of May records that began in 2013 at 87,847 units.

Buyers drove off with 4,858 new LVs on each of 25 selling days in May, a 24.1% gain on the 3,916 sold in like-2015, when there were 26 selling days. It brought to an end a run of four consecutive months in which daily sales fell short of the prior month’s pace, besting April’s 4,378-a-day rate by 11.0%.

What’s more, both cars and light trucks posted May benchmarks.

At 3,155 daily, car sales reached 78,380 units, a 22.3% increase from prior-year’s 2,449-unit pace on then-record volume of 66,677. The results were 10.2% higher than the 2,844 cars sold on each of 27 days in April, when 76,784 cars were delivered.

Also in record territory, the sale of 43,072 light trucks in May, were 27.5% higher compared with the prior-year’s weak 35,126-unit tally, and surpassed by 28.5% the prior May record of 36,211 set in 2008, when there were 27 selling days

General Motors’ 28.7% year-on-year LV sales gain helped it narrow the gap with industry-leader Nissan, which saw a more modest 12.3% May rise.

Third-place Volkswagen experienced a 19.8% increase over year-ago, but lost ground against second-ranked GM in total volume..

For the year, Mexico LV sales total 586,631 vehicles, 16.8% more than the 502,202 units sold in like-2015, putting the market well along the road toward another banner year in 2016.  

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About the Author(s)

Al Binder

Senior Editor, WardsAuto

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