WEBINAR: 7 Steps to Higher Fixed Ops Profit and Happier CustomersWEBINAR: 7 Steps to Higher Fixed Ops Profit and Happier Customers

Join us for this exclusive webinar on Tuesday, October 1st at 2PM ET, sponsored by Auto/Mate.

August 19, 2019

2 Min Read
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Increasing fixed ops profits doesn’t always have to be accomplished by increasing repair order (RO) volume, or increasing labor hours or lines per RO. While these goals should be part of every service manager’s strategy, there are other ways to add to the fixed ops bottom line.

In nearly every dealership, profits seep away due to common mistakes, management oversights and employee behavior. In many cases, these problems add up to thousands of dollars in lost profits per month. Effective leadership and sound management practices are key to reclaiming this money and also to stop it from leaking away in the first place.

In this webinar, Auto/Mate’s Customer Care Manager Ken Rock will share his observations from working “in the trenches” with service managers and fixed ops directors at hundreds of dealerships. He’ll reveal seven of the most commonly-overlooked problems that lead to lost profits, and provide best practices and management strategies to stop them from happening.

Reclaiming these profits could easily add thousands of dollars to your dealership’s fixed ops bottom line every month. Attend this webinar to learn:

1) Four mistakes that service advisors make that put your dealership in legal jeopardy and decrease customer satisfaction
2) Two strategies your parts manager can implement tomorrow that will boost parts profits more than 50% in one year
3) Identify the most common abuse in dealerships that virtually everyone overlooks—as well as a simple strategy to fix it and prevent thousands of dollars in waste 


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Ken Rock, Customer Care Manager, Auto/Mate Dealership Systems

Ken Rock is a Customer Care Manager at Auto/Mate Dealership Systems, where he has been training dealership customers for over 10 years. Previously he was a Fixed Ops Director at a multi-store dealership group in New York and Massachusetts. Rock has more than 25 years of dealership experience and hands-on training of dealership staff. Contact Ken at [email protected].


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