What Auto Dealers Should Know About Credit Union Vehicle LeasingWhat Auto Dealers Should Know About Credit Union Vehicle Leasing
For many dealers, balancing flexibility and a variety of payment options can be achieved in an unexpected way: offering leases through their local credit union.
May 21, 2021

One day things will seem normal, but they won’t be the same. If there’s anything you can count on in this era of COVID-19 auto sales, it’s that simple statement.
Many of the trends that shaped retail sales pre-pandemic have been wiped away. As a result, dealers today have more in common with their buyers than they realize: Both are looking for flexibility and a variety of payment options to help them wrangle the best deal.
For many dealers, that balance can be achieved in an unexpected way: offering leases through their local credit union. Many credit unions now offer vehicle leases as part of their auto finance portfolios. Here are a few examples and best practices we’ve seen since the beginning of the pandemic:
New car inventory is low, prices are going up and deals are happening fast. The convergence of low vehicle availability, price creep and digital shopper usage has forced many dealers to be more strategic about how they sell. They’re realizing that getting buyers into lengthy financing options doesn’t help them retain customers. Sure, incentives like 0%/84 months drive people to dealerships initially, but it also keeps them away longer. Leasing options have been a better fit in terms of reasonable payments that ensure buyers will be back sooner and with a well-maintained, low-mileage trade.
Thinking out of the captive box. Many dealerships are rightly loyal to their captive. But many manufacturers are not incentivizing vehicles at the 2020 level anymore and aren’t offering incentives on unpopular aged inventory. This gives dealers an opportunity to find new financial partners and explore options to get their customers into a favorable payment. Dealers that create flexible options will be in a more powerful position to get people the right deal. Many are utilizing Indirect Leasing Incentives because those incentives can be higher than the retail incentives. That helps customers get in a more equitable position and can help them achieve a slightly lower payment – something that helps with all this uncertainty and change.
Leasing provides additional revenue opportunities. With more flexible options, many dealers are realizing they have the same opportunity to sell products on a lease as they do on a retail transaction. We’ve seen dealers, last fall and into 2021, pushing trucks and SUVs onto leasing programs to get that lower payment while adding service contracts, tire-and-wheel packages, and more.
Volatility makes consistency a requirement. For some dealers, credit unions are an attractive option because they’re consistent and predictable. They offer the same interest rate across multiple terms and all types of vehicles; leases are based on simple interest. In addition, there’s no penalty or market adjustment for leaving the lease early.
Change is the biggest driver of all. Car buyers have changed because their lives have changed. Many now work from home, while others work partially remotely; some are unemployed or furloughed. Customers need more options to meet their needs, which is why we see more people using the 5,000-, 7,500- or 10,000-mile (8,000-, 12,000-, 16,000-km) options on leases. Customers are realizing they don’t have to limit their options because dealers are able to arrange a more customized lease.
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Even as the pandemic begins to fade behind us, the changes it has caused are here to stay – especially for dealerships. The struggle to find balance and flexibility in vehicle financing is about more than just selling the next car. It’s about looking ahead and increasing the chances of survival in the face of rising new car prices, limited inventory and parts shortages.For many, finding additional financing options and offering consumers flexibility may be the keys to thriving in a post-pandemic world.
Jay Slingerland is the national sales director for Credit Union Leasing of America.
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