Epicor Unveils AI-Powered Auto Logistics Solution

Speed and personalized relationships claimed by software supplier's new logistics suite.

Paul Myles, European Editor

May 22, 2024

1 Min Read
Audi Q8e-tron Production Brussels
Forecasting inventory demands with AI brings greater efficiencies.

Automotive software supplier, Epicor, claims a game-changing artificial intelligence-driven enterprise resource planning (ERP) software suite to improve automotive production logistics.

It unveils its Epicor Grow AI product at a special event in Nashville, claiming to provide auto companies with AI-driven predictive analytics to help generate, analyze and act on multiple forecasts for inventory, demand and sales.

It also uses natural language to communicate with customer email queries, speeding responses and increasing conversion and customer satisfaction. The software claims to be able to provide a personalized relationship with customers on order history to optimize inventory levels, reduce costs and drive greater revenue.

Another feature is its predictive maintenance suggestions and notifications for fleet vehicles, claiming reduced unscheduled vehicle downtime, delivery delays and maintenance costs.

Finally, the package boasts accelerated access and knowledge sharing across the Epicor library of product and support resources, offering users fast, accurate answers to questions with curated, AI-driven responses.

Epicor’s chief product and technology officer, Vaibhav Vohra, says: “We know the keys to realizing the full power of AI revolve around two important things: applying AI to a well-defined, practical business issue, and leveraging high quality data. Our new Epicor Grow portfolio delivers on both fronts, putting workers at the center of the intelligence ecosystem. We’re delivering deep AI integration across real-world industry workflows – unlike ‘one size fits all’ industry-agnostic ERPs – to surface actionable insights and drive efficiencies. And we’re empowering users with a rich, industry-centric data platform and no-code tools to create purpose-built data pipelines to help solve specific challenges.”

About the Author(s)

Paul Myles

European Editor, Informa Group

Paul Myles is an award-winning journalist based in Europe covering all aspects of the automotive industry. He has a wealth of experience in the field working at specialist, national and international levels.

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