Varroc Advancing With Adaptive High-Beams

Varroc is the world’s sixth largest supplier of exterior automotive lighting, but the Plymouth, MI-based company (comprising Visteon’s former lighting business) intends to be a leader in adaptive technology that limits the exposure of oncoming drivers to high beams.This week, Varroc Lighting has taken over the Royal Oak Farmers Market north of Detroit to demonstrate for customers and media its latest development in adaptive lighting, including LED-based systems in certain luxury vehicles already on the market. The supplier is preparing to launch low-cost reflector-based LED systems for mainstream B- and C-segment cars.Within two years, Varroc also will launch high-definition adaptive high-beam systems relying on integrated circuits containing up to 1.3 million pixels to provide illumination. One of those upcoming vehicle contracts will project a welcome greeting on the ground ahead at startup.Adaptive high beams are not yet legal in the U.S. but they are in Canada and Europe.

July 19, 2018

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